Happy Flag Day!
Jim and I went to church this morning, Jim was Lay Liturgist. I do love one service at 10 AM, as opposed to two morning services, like we do most of the year.
The afternoon was filled with typical Sunday errands, but I squeezed in a bike ride because it was too nice of a day to be in the house or in the car. And, since there is no rain in the near forecast, I washed the Beetle this afternoon.
Jim grilled chicken and we ate our first meal of the summer on the patio.
For dessert we had a Blueberry Focaccia, which I made, using a recipe in the newest Woman's Day magazine. It is very good.

Corey called tonight to report that he had a good visit with Bob and Joanie, who stopped in Syracuse on their way back to Michigan from Jenny Lake. Corey enjoyed his first week at work, learning a lot, and even solving a couple of problems.
I called Jim, Maryanne, and Zach tonight to check on dates for visits at Jenny Lake. They will be there when we go to camp in early July. It will be great to see them!
Jim and I had a glass of wine on the porch late this afternoon and both promptly fell asleep in our chairs! Love the porch!
Hope all is well.
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