Shoes, specifically, my shoes are the topic for today's blog entry (that means we did nothing blog-worthy today!).
This morning, before heading to Spinning Guild, I decided to clean out the floor of my side of the closet, where most of my shoes are stored. I discovered that I had a lot of black shoes, or at least what I think are a lot of black shoes. See for yourself and you decide.

Now, some are sandals and some are sneakers, some are dressy and some are casual and I have worn all of them in the past year. There was only one pair that when I pulled them out I thought, "Wow, I forgot I had these!" They had the most dust on them! But I can honestly say that these are all useful parts of my wardrobe so I did not put any of them in the "donate" pile. Now I do have more shoes than this. There are the cowboy boots that I bought in Texas 27 years ago that no longer fit, some bright crocs, and my Christmas high tops.

I have 2 pair of low hiking boots, my work sneakers, an old pair of sneakers, slip-on sneakers, Crocs that I wear around the house, white sandals, pink sandals, brown, dressy sandals, and my new Keens. Is this too many shoes? And I am asking that of my women readers, not you men who own maybe 5 pairs of footwear. I don't feel like I buy a lot of shoes, and especially when I look at some of these shoes and realize that they are five or more years old! Speaking of old, I forgot to mention my biking shoes, which are 17 years old! So let me know what you think. When was the last time you took a shoe inventory? Before I stop writing about my shoes, please note that I put 2.5 pairs of shoes in the donation pile today ( the other .5 may be on Jim's side of the closet, but I could not tackle both sides of the closet in one day!).
I spun at Spinning Guild and wrote report card comments today. Jim cut the grass and did some work at his parent's house.
We are having some trouble with our TV now that the switch to digital has been made. We bought the new TV back in December so we did not need a converter box, and we bought what research said would be a good antennae, but now we cannot get 2 of the network stations. Jim went through the process of re-setting the channels but we are still not where we should be. I imagine (hope) Jim will continue to research the problem.
For the knitting report, I have about 12 inches of Tucker's sweater knit. This sweater is knit from the bottom up, so soon I will be at the armpit level, where I need to start knitting the back and front separately.
Hope all is well.
Ken says you need 4 pairs of shoes--brown, black, combat boots and sneakers. Of course the girls and I totally disagree and more than make up for his lack of footwear. I wouldn't want to count the number that we all own, but the more the merrier we all say!
I think this is a completely reasonable number of shoes...mostly because I think I have more pairs than you do! What size are those cowboy boots? You didn't already give them away, did you?!
Can we talk about jackets?
Can we talk about jackets?
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