Friday, October 2, 2009

Wounded Knee

This is where I ended up on Thursday afternoon.
 On Wednesday night, I turned around in the church parking lot and felt a sharp pain in my knee and a "catch" in my knee that would not let me straighten out  my leg for a minute. The pain continued throughout the night (not much sleep) so in the morning I called for a sub. 

I was lucky enough to get a morning appointment with my general practitioner and he referred me to the orthopedic doctor that I saw 5 years ago when I tore the meniscus in my left knee. Again, I had a bit of luck and was able to see the Physicians Assistant in that office in the afternoon. The X-rays that were done at  that office did not show anything, but both the PA and my doctor think I may have torn the meniscus in my right knee :( They came to this diagnosis because of where the pain was in my knee when they manipulated my leg. 

So I am having an MRI on Sunday morning (7 AM!!) and will have a follow up appointment with my orthopedic guy later this month. My general doctor gave me a prescription for heavy duty Motrin and that made it possible for me to go to work today. 

I will keep you posted on my status.

On a happier note, we went to a high school cross-country meet on Tuesday afternoon. Odyssey was running at Basil Morella Park so we thought we would go cheer the Odyssey runners on. The Odyssey boys have had a good deal of success in the past couple of weeks and we wanted to show our support. Here are 2 photos from our time at the meet. 

Tonight is the last episode of the National Park series on PBS. We have learned so much about the history of our parks and have loved the pictures. One TV reviewer wrote that the last 20 minutes of tonight's final episode are the most stunning pictures he has ever seen on TV. I can hardly wait!

This weekend is Grape Weekend. I am hoping to go to a farm down by Naples and pick my own grapes. I have never done that, and it sounds interesting. Watch for photos. Hopefully my knee won't interfere with those plans. I'll start squeezing grapes on Sunday. 

Corey earned a spot on the SU XC team that travelled to Wisconsin yesterday and he will race tomorrow. Ironically, Jim races on Sunday in Syracuse! Stay tuned for the running report.

I finished both sleeves on my sweater and have started to pick-up stitches around the front edges for the button band and the shawl collar. I am still optimistic that I can complete this sweater for the New York Sheep and Wool Festival on Oct. 17th. 

Hope all is well.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back Home

I'm back from Women's Weekend and I cannot tell you very much because most of what happens on Women's Weekend, stays on Women's Weekend. There are a couple of things I will tell you about and those will follow here, but know that I had a wonderful time with 5 very dear friends. This was our 16th consecutive Women's Weekend and we are already looking forward to number 17. 

On Saturday morning I got up to discover that the lake had a blanket of fog on it. I quickly got dressed in my warm clothes because it was 39º! I took my rowboat out in to the fog and it was a surreal experience. As I rowed away from the shore I was silently enveloped into the fog layer. The fog was on the move and views of the shore or ridge line came in and out of sight. As I rowed up the far shore, there seemed to be a fog machine churning out the fog from Turtle Cove. When I was rowing more in the middle of the lake (I think that is where I was), I was rowing on faith as I could not see beyond the bow of the boat and the fog quickly closed in around the stern of the boat. As the sun came up, the scene became even more beautiful as the sun worked hard to burn off the fog. Here are some photos from my morning on the lake. I have about 100 more!

The other thing I want to share involves a whole lot of luck. On Saturday night I turned on the TV to see if the Syracuse football game was on and sure enough it was. We watched for a while and then changed to the Purdue game so Sherri could look for Terry who was at the game. At halftime of the Purdue game I changed the channel so I could see the SU score. One minute after turning to the SU game, during a time out in the game, the SU Cross-Country coach was interviewed about that team's season. During the interview some video was shown of the SU's most recent meet and there was Corey running across the TV screen. And it was not some distant shot, it was a full screen of him running!!! That was super exciting!! Corey was at the game so did not see himself, but one of this friends that was watching the game at home, texted him to say that he saw Corey! It was all very cool, and just such a coincidence that I turned back to the SU game at just the right time!

Tucker moved into his mini mansion this weekend and sent us these photos. The first is obviously the outside of his place. The next photo is the kitchen and the last photo was taken while standing in the kitchen, looking into the living room. There are some new appliances and some fresh paint. He is very happy to have his own house! Want his new address? E-mail me or leave a comment.

Did you watch the first episode of the National Park series on PBS last night? It continues every night this week and each show is 2 hours, with no commercial interruptions! The photography is incredible and the story line is interesting and educational. So, go to the bathroom, grab a beverage and settle in for a great show. This is going to be great knitting time!

Cool, wet weather has moved in and is in the forecast for awhile. Oh, well.

Hope all is well.