But the weather did not deter Jim from bringing the boy back to the nest. Actually, Syracuse did not get this storm and once Jim was 30 miles east of Rochester, the roads cleared.
Haircut review: I like it! Corey's teammate, who serves as team barber, did a nice job on giving Corey a buzz-cut. The short hair does take some getting used to-I still do a double-take when he walks into a room.

This afternoon I had to make a quick trip to church to
rehearse with the choir for Music Sunday tomorrow. I am ringing chimes with 2 other bell ringers as an accompaniment to one vocal solo. Our part is not hard, knowing when to start ringing is the challenge!
All the grandparents joined us for dinner tonight and we had a fun evening. Bob and Sally joined us for Grape Pie later in the evening. One topic of conversation was Jim's new found interest in recycling yarn. He is now working on unraveling his second old sweater to recover the yarn for another project! He seems to enjoy figuring out how the sweater was constructed so he can unconstruct it and then finding the yarn end to start pulling to unravel the sweater is another challenge. I will let you know what I end up doing with this "used" yarn.
I have been knitting on my Noro scarf and really like the way the striping looks. I am almost halfway done and will post a photo of the finished product.
I usually spin on Saturdays, but there was no time today. I did give Gram and GrandDad a quick demo of my spinning wheel, but will hope to do some serious spinning tomorrow.
The crack in the van windshield got about a foot longer on today's Syracuse excursion. Hopefully the windshield will stay intact until its repair appointment on Tuesday.
Tucker called tonight just as we were sitting down for dinner. I chatted with him for just a minute and he said he would try to call again tomorrow.
It is good to have Corey home. I imagine sleeping and eating will be top priorities for him for the next 3 days.
Hope all is well.