Last night we did get to the movies to see The Bucket List. It was a good movie, with some laugh out loud moments. We have not put together our "bucket list" yet, but it is food for thought. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it.
Today I went to my spinning class and I was so excited for class number two because class number one went so well. I tried a different wheel this morning and it was like I had never spun before and was the most uncoordinated person on earth. I was so frustrated after an hour of yarn spun way too tightly, or yarn wrapped in places it shouldn't be wrapped, or a wheel that would not go in the correct direction that I was almost in tears. The teacher was very patient and helpful, and when I really analyzed what was going on I realized that the problem was the different wheel. I could not treadle the wheel so that it maintained a consistent speed and went in the right direction. The teacher, Deb, let me try another wheel and voila! I was back to spinning like I had last week. The second wheel I used this week was a double treadle and very pleasant on which to spin. I was a bit frustrated that I spent so long trying to get the other wheel to work, but it just reinforced the idea that there is a reason why there are so many wheels available. I once again will be looking forward to next Saturday's class.
Both Tucker and Corey called us this afternoon and it was great to talk to both of them. Tucker called from Durango, CO where he met up with a college friend who was in Durango with the women's hockey team he coaches. Tucker was going to see the game and then hang out with Kevin and the hockey players. Tucker said he was going to have to be on his best behavior because he was a bit afraid of these 30 year old women hockey players!!!
Corey called from Yale University, where he was was running in an indoor track meet. He ran the 3000 meter race in a time of 8:27.91! A time he was very pleased with! This time qualifies him for the Big East Indoor Track meet later in February.
We went out to dinner with Bob and Sally tonight. We went to the Garland House in Brockport. T & C this is the place we ate after my Master's degree graduation ceremony. I had one of the specials, which was a piece of broiled haddock with a spinach/feta cheese/bacon stuffing on top. It was sooooo good. We had a lot of good conversation over drinks and dinner, but I didn't take a photo to document the event.
My photo for today is to show the progress I am making on my sock club sock. I spent a good amount of time knitting today and got the heel turned. The pattern used a technique for the heel that was new to me, so there were some mental gymnastics as I worked through the directions. I think that the hardest part of the sock is completed, but I may have just jinxed myself my writing that!

Tomorrow I have to get my grocery shopping, ironing, and work-out in before the Super Bowl. We will have dinner with Gram and GrandDad and watch a bit of the game at their house. I am in a Super Bowl pool at school and am hoping to recoup some of the money I lost in the weekly pools that I did pretty poorly in.
Go Patriots! Remember, you can still vote for your favorite team until the start of the game.
Hope all is well.