This first photo is of Alison, Tucker and another friend, spotting whales in the ocean at sunset.

And speaking of the sunset. . . .

And speaking of the sunset. . . .

Tucker and Alison having a nice outdoor breakfast.

This is the beach house they stayed in on the ocean side of Baja.

A nice hike to an overlook.

More good Mexican food!

Tucker hooked into a big one while deep sea fishing.

Tucker and the guide with his catch, a nice Dorado fish.

Partial view of the place they stayed in Cabo Pulmo (Sea of Cortez side).

This is the beach house they stayed in on the ocean side of Baja.

A nice hike to an overlook.

More good Mexican food!

Tucker hooked into a big one while deep sea fishing.

Tucker and the guide with his catch, a nice Dorado fish.

Partial view of the place they stayed in Cabo Pulmo (Sea of Cortez side).

As you can see, there was no snow or cold weather for them to deal with and I believe they were reveling in the nice weather! Maybe I will put some more photos in the blog in the near future.
Corey had some nice news earlier this week and that is that he is named Scholar Athlete for the week at SU! Click here for a link to the SU page with the announcement. What was really cool was that friends of ours were at the recent SU basketball game where Corey was announced as the Scholar Athlete for the week and they got to see his picture up on the big screen!
We have no real plans for the weekend. Jim will probably still be recovering from his trip home (he spent a night in the Chicago airport) and from jet lag, trying to get ready for his business trip to New Jersey next week. Me, I'll probably be trying to knit 485 stitches without making a mistake!
Hope all is well.