Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday, Saturday

Grandpa Update: Yesterday Grandpa was moved from the hospital to the Transitional Care Center on the same campus as the hospital. Yesterday was a very tiring day for Grandpa, but today he seemed better. The nurses got him up for a short walk which is a step in the right direction. Grandpa has a roommate, Michael, but I don't know anything about him. There is a limit of a 14 day stay in this Transitional Care Unit, so Grandpa needs to work hard to become more independent in the next 2 weeks.

Dad left for Finland today and will be back in a week. The Helsinki forecast was for cold, rainy weather, a big difference from the sunny, warm weather we enjoyed when we were there in August. But he is going there to work, and probably will not have much time to see the sights. He is staying in the same Holiday Inn, by the train station, that we stayed in so I can picture exactly where he is!

Today I did a bunch of errands, worked in the yard a bit and visited Grandpa. Grandma and I made plans for me to have dinner with her at The Villages on Monday. Apple-crusted tilapia is one of the menu items that night~yummy!

Tonight I had planned on knitting and watching the Yankees game, but the game has been rained out. Plan B will have me knitting while watching college football. The Yankees will try to get their spot in the World Series tomorrow night!

Go Yankees! My Rally Cap is ready!

Hope all is well.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, the 22nd

Grandpa update: There are good days and less than good days. Grandpa seems to have come through his angiogram with no adverse side effects, which is good news. The bad news is that he has one artery with 100% blockage and 2 with 90 % blockage. The doctors at Unity hospital do not believe he is a candidate for bypass surgery, but the angiogram results are being sent to Grandpa's heart doctor at RGH. Yesterday Grandpa spent most of the day sitting up in a chair and the hospital staff was talking about him moving to the Transitional Care center adjoining the hospital. This would be a 2 week placement to regain his strength. However, today has not been a good day. He has spent most of the day sleeping. When I was there, he was in sitting in a chair and a physical therapist was trying to work with him, but he was not a happy camper. I didn't stay. Dad and I will go back tonight after dinner.

I had my follow-up visit to my orthopedic doctor to get the results of the MRI on my knee. Since I first hurt my knee a few weeks ago, it has gotten much better. Then I did a slight turn on my right leg and my knee "caught" again and was quite painful. After a few days that went away and it has felt OK since. The MRI showed a small tear in the meniscus. I told the doctor I really didn't want to do anything to repair the tear as long as my knee was feeling good. He did say that both arthritis and cartilage deterioration in my knees are probably contributing to the general stiffness and occasional pain in my knee(s). The doctor told me that when my knees get more uncomfortable there are things, like injections, that can be done. So I will keep doing what I've been doing, and resume doing some of the things that I stopped doing when I initially hurt my knee.

Tuesday night Dad and I went to GEVA to see a play called The Clean House. It got a so-so review in the newspaper, but we enjoyed it, not as much as the show we saw in September, but it was a nice evening of theater.

We've talked to both Tucker and Corey in the past day or so. Both are busy with their lives and doing well.

Hope all is well.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Summary

Last night I must have been more tired than I realized because after Jim got up at this morning at 6:30, I rolled over and slept until 8:40 !!! Unbelievable!

We were over at the hospital a couple of times today and Grandpa is getting ready for his angiogram tomorrow. Right now the thinking is that he will have this procedure around noon. Stay tuned for the results of that.

Grandma took Jeannie, Dad and me out to dinner at Davinci's to celebrate Jeannie's birthday, which is tomorrow. This is a rare treat to be able to celebrate her birthday with her in person! We had a nice dinner and all brought home enough leftovers for dinner tomorrow night.

So here are a couple more photos that I wanted to include with yesterday's post about the sheep and wool festival. I always have to have a photo of the alpaca's and llama's for Jim.

Here is the sweater I made to wear at the festival. Unfortunately, it was so cold that this sweater was the third layer of five that I had to wear to keep warm.
And here is a photo of my purchases.
And here is the long promised photo of the scarf I knit for the Red Scarf Project. For more info on that click here

I think my Christmas cactus is going to be a Halloween cactus. Its many pink blossoms are ready to burst! It must have loved living on the porch this summer.

I guess that's all for now.

Hope all is well.