We were over at the hospital a couple of times today and Grandpa is getting ready for his angiogram tomorrow. Right now the thinking is that he will have this procedure around noon. Stay tuned for the results of that.
Grandma took Jeannie, Dad and me out to dinner at Davinci's to celebrate Jeannie's birthday, which is tomorrow. This is a rare treat to be able to celebrate her birthday with her in person! We had a nice dinner and all brought home enough leftovers for dinner tomorrow night.
So here are a couple more photos that I wanted to include with yesterday's post about the sheep and wool festival. I always have to have a photo of the alpaca's and llama's for Jim.

Here is the sweater I made to wear at the festival. Unfortunately, it was so cold that this sweater was the third layer of five that I had to wear to keep warm.

And here is a photo of my purchases. 
And here is the long promised photo of the scarf I knit for the Red Scarf Project. For more info on that click here

And here is the long promised photo of the scarf I knit for the Red Scarf Project. For more info on that click here
I think my Christmas cactus is going to be a Halloween cactus. Its many pink blossoms are ready to burst! It must have loved living on the porch this summer.
I guess that's all for now.
Hope all is well.
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