Jim has a new project. Yesterday he came home from work and I noticed that he had a hole in the sleeve of his wool sweater. I told him he needed to throw it away. I jokingly added that he could unravel the lambswool yarn and I could knit something else out of it! By the time I came home from bell rehearsal, he had cut the sleeves off and was trying to find the yarn end that would allow him to unravel the sleeves. He found it and my knitty knoddy is now quite full of yarn. He is back at the project tonight working on the body of the sweater. I'm not sure what I will do with the yarn but maybe a hat and scarf for Jim.

I came home today and discovered this ditch digger in my neighbor's yard, ready to dig up our yard. The town engineer has not called us back about a start date, but it looks like it is getting closer.

Yesterday I got re-certified in CPR and in the use of an AED (Automated
External Defibrillator). It is an annual certification and I hope that I never have to put my skills to the test.
My annual Women's Weekend group is struggling to find a date to go to Jenny Lake this year. When we all had kids at home, it seems we were more available to get away for a long weekend. This year we cannot find a weekend that we are all available and that camp is open. Some of us are going out to dinner on Monday to try to come up with another plan, ironically enough, we cannot even all get together here in town for dinner! I keep telling myself that this will all work out and we will get away. It has become an important time for all 6 of us.
Terry is supposed to come to town this Saturday with Kenn, but the weather guys are calling for a winter storm to roll through here Friday night and Saturday. If their recent track record is taken into account, the storm probably won't amount to much! We are supposed to go to Syracuse on Saturday morning to bring Corey home for a few days. It is the start of his Spring Break and it will be good to have him home. I guess we'll have to wait to see if the weather impacts our plans.
If you have ever ridden in the passenger seat of our van, you may have noticed that there was a star-shaped ding in the windshield. It has been there for the last four years (or so we guess) and it has always passed inspection. Jim came out to the van at the end of the work today and discovered that the ding had morphed into a 4 foot crack! Not sure how come it happened today, while the car was sitting in the parking lot, but it did and now Jim needs to look into getting it repaired.
Hope all is well.
1 comment:
Marji and Jim, Glad to hear that Corey is come home for a few days. Hope to get a chance to see him and his new haircut. Love, Dad
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