Here is a photo of what I've been doing when I got home from school the last 2 days-raking leaves. I rake (or blow) the leaves until it gets dark and then Jim gets home from work and hauls them away. We wanted to get as many leaves picked up as possible before the rains come this weekend and make for a heavier and less enjoyable job.

There are still a fair number of leaves on the trees, but I think about 75% are down. Here is a bright yellow leaf display from our backyard. I will be raking up those leaves in the next few days!

I've started 2 new knitting projects. The first is a sweater for Jim using some yarn that I bought at the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival 2 years ago. The pattern is a very simple seed or moss stitch. I've done about 13 inches of the back so far. I've also started a scarf for me. I'm using some gorgeous yarn that I bought this past spring when Jim and I were biking on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The yarn is a hand-dyed rayon of deep blues and purples. I am doing a wide rib pattern and it has such a lovely drape and rich coloring.
No growth to report on my amaryllis bulbs. Stay tuned.
So far this week I have made 5 Grape Pies. I made two for the youth bell choir baked food sale at church on Tuesday and then tonight I made 3 more to take to school tomorrow. At my school we have a tradition of Friday treats with different groups of staff bringing in food on Friday mornings. Tomorrow is my group's turn and my grape pies are always a big hit. Don't worry, Corey, there are still a good number of grape pie fillings in the freezer.
So, Susan L. is off of Dancing with the Stars. Brooke and Derek continue to dazzle us with their performances.
Jim came home from work yesterday and announced that he had spent four hours at a workshop called "Count Me In," a sensitivity training program for all of the employees in his company. He claims to have learned about the importance of tone of voice, body language and how to be an active listener. We'll see! (Edited after Jim did his proofreading-Jim claims to have been taught, not necessarily learned those above things!)
Tomorrow my school is having a Happy Hour at a local restaurant/bar. Jim will meet me there and then we will have dinner. Should be fun.
Hope all is well.
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