In yesterday's entry, I forgot to tell you about the big cabbage we bought. Sounds like earth shattering news, huh? Well, when we were driving to Marcus Whitman High School, we passed several cabbage patches that were being harvested and right by these fields were vegetable stands selling freshly harvested cabbages. So on our way home, we stopped (barely, Jim had the clock on me while I jumped from the car and made the purchase!) at one of these stands. I bought an 8 pound purple cabbage for $1.oo! Such a good deal! I will share it with Gram, Grandma, and Sally. I enjoy having fresh purple cabbage in my green salad at dinner, so this will last me for a while. Here is a photo of the cabbage and me in my Rhinebeck sweater. Their colors coordinate beautifully with each other!

We had a longer than usual time at church today as it was Commitment Sunday. I had to be there early because my bell choir was ringing and then we stayed for a brunch after the service. The bell choir rang along with the organ for the opening hymn and then accompanied the choir with the organ for an anthem. The bell ringing went fairly well, but Jim says that the organ and choir kind of drowned out the bell ringing at times. Oh, well it sounded good from our perspective. There were more people at the one service today than I have seen in a very long time. I am very much in favor of changing our worship schedule from 2 services at 8:45 and 11:00 AM to one service at 10:00 AM. It seems like it would be a better use of our church's resources and build a stronger sense of community among the worshippers.
Jim got lots of leaves raked up and part of the back yard mowed this afternoon. Sally came over to use my swift and ball winder on the skeins of yarn that she bought at the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival.
I've decided that even though I was disappointed with my moebius scarf, it is very functional. I have worn it doubled around my neck all afternoon and it was very comfortable and cozy. And as Jim points out, I don't have to look at it if it is around my neck!
I don't know if I will do an entry tomorrow, so I will take this chance to remind you to do your civic duty and vote. Our voting location has changed, so check where you are to vote and then go do it on Tuesday.
Hope all is well.
I posted a comment yesterday, but I'm not sure where it is! Anyway, FYI - unleaded regular gas in Hastings is $2.32 per gallon!!!!
Unleaded in Loudon, TN is $2.29
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