I did the final clipping on my debut basket tonight and present it here for your perusal. As I look closely at these pictures I see that I need to trim some of the fly-away edges, so I will take care of that before I go to my next class

Taking advantage of the slump in the stock market we are now the proud owners Apple Stock. Of course Corey told us to buy this stock years ago after buying his first iPod and recognizing its greatness! So I will now encourage you to go buy a Mac Book, an iPod, iTouch, or iPhone!!!
The Dancing with the Stars results show starts in a few minutes and you know what I am hoping will happen! Did you see Derek's and Brooke's dance last night? It was incredible!
Who do you have in the World Series? I will put a poll up in the left corner of the blog and you can vote through Friday afternoon.
Hope all is well.
Love the basket! Very cool.
I believe that I told you guys to buy apple stock, not Corey! Like that basket as well!
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