First of all, check out the size of this carrot that came from Maryanne's garden! The base of it was as big as the can of black beans. I put the whole carrot in a beef concoction that I put together in the crockpot. The carrot was very tasty-thank you Maryanne!

I had my second basket making class on Thursday night and each of us made a round Muffin basket. In the photo below, Sue is putting the final piece of lashing around the top of her basket. My basket is the one farthest to the right in the photo. It was another fun class and we were there only a half hour longer than we were supposed to be instead of the hour that we went over the first class. Next week we are making a 2 handled bagel basket.
Today was a rainy, dreary day, as predicted. I went to the Farmer's Market and am now wondering if this was the last Saturday for that. In previous years it has ended right after Halloween. Time will tell. I had about 5 other errands to do this morning so I was in and out of the car in the rain. Days like this make me appreciate my raincoat!

I went to VanPutte Garden Store and bought 3 amaryllis bulbs. I decided to start them nice and early this year so maybe they would be blooming for Christmas instead of for Valentine's Day, as has happened in previous years.
I made another peck of our apples into applesauce this afternoon and have one peck to go. If you come to my house for dinner, you may be served applesauce as my freezer is overflowing with it! I also used some of our apples to make an Apple Crisp for a birthday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight. Below are 2 photos from the festivities. Jim and Grandpa are wearing the party hats that Jim made out of the pot holders that were left on the table after we cleared away the serving dishes!

Jim's birthday is Tuesday and we started celebrating last night when Gram and GrandDad had us to their house for a birthday dinner. GrandDad grilled some brats and knockwurst and Gram thought to include Jim's favorite~baked beans! So we've had two nice birthday dinners with the parents and I didn't have to cook!
Tomorrow Jim is going to Ithaca to run in a race and immediately after he crosses the finish line he will jump in his car and drive to the Rochester airport, where he has to catch a 2:30 PM flight to Kansas City. He will be home on Tuesday.
Have any of you been watching the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update on Thursday nights? There is one skit that just cracks me up, to the point that tears are running down my face. It is the skit I refer to as "Fix It." Here is a link to the first installment of "Fix It":
The actual Fix It clip is from 2:25-3:45.
I saw this past Thursday's SNL Weekend Update and they did a follow-up Fix It and once again it tickled my funny bone! So here is that clip if you are interested.
The actual Fix It clip is from 12:05- 13:40.
Humor is an interesting thing. What makes one person laugh, leaves another wondering what the big deal is. What makes you laugh?
The baseball game is in a rain delay so we have the Ohio/Penn State game on the TV. Thanks to all of you who voted in the World Series poll.
We talked to Corey this afternoon. He had texted us earlier in the day wondering what size pants he wore! Apparently he was at the Mall and was shopping for much needed pants but was missing one crucial piece of information when buying pants. During his call he reported success in acquiring a new pair of pants and he even got a bargain!
That's all the minutiae for now. I guess if you were bored out of your mind, you will not have gotten this far in today's entry.
I hope you can find something that makes you laugh today.
Hope all is well.
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