I joined the Genesee Valley Handspinners Guild this morning and then spent nearly 6 hours with about 40 other spinners. My spinning teacher saved me a seat near her and I got lots of encouragement from her as well as all my questions answered. There were several vendors at the meeting selling fiber in various stages of preparation and my teacher, Deb, was also helpful when I wanted to purchase some new roving. It was great fun and I got the rest of my Icelandic fiber spun and plied, so I feel like I accomplished something. I was made to feel very welcome and everyone I spoke with was friendly. I cannot attend the April meeting because we will be in Maryland. I will look forward to the May meeting. I've included a photo of some of the spinners.

Most of the rest of my day has been spent on knitting. I have worked some on my Pi Shawl and am including this photo, taken last night after almost 2 hours of work. Jim put the postage stamp in the picture to give you a size perspective of what I did in 2 hours! I got lots more done tonight.

This afternoon we had Happy Hour so I knit on my striped scarf while drinking wine! That is an easy project that I don't have to pay much attention to, plus it is on good sized needles.
Jim is getting ready for his trip to France tomorrow afternoon. He will be back on Thursday. He is out of town for almost 4 weeks between now and the end of April.
I have a question for you. This morning I was riding my bike in the basement, watching the Today show and they did a story on saving money around the house. They quoted a statistic that the average household uses 12, count 'em, 12 rolls of paper towels a week! I was astounded! I would be lucky to get through 12 rolls in a year! What are these people doing with them? How many rolls do you go through in a week or year?
Jim noticed that the town has started to work in the jewelry store parking lot behind us which means they will be in our yard in the near future. The town engineer said he would call us before they dig up our property so we'll see if that happens.
Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of our house being robbed. I remember this date because it is Liz's birthday and it happened as the college basketball teams were gearing up for the NCAA tournament. One of the things that was stolen was our big TV and we haven't replaced it so I will once again watch the basketball games (which I love) on our tiny TV!
Tomorrow morning we are planning on going to church because it is the first Sunday that our new minister will be preaching. There is a great deal of excitement around his arrival. Guess I had better pay up my church pledge!
Hope all is well.
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