No blog yesterday because I was out late with 3 of the 5 other Women's Weekend women, trying to come up with a time that we could go to Jenny Lake for the 15th annual Women's Weekend. As all of our children have left the nest, we have all gotten busier than ever and finding a weekend we can all go away for all that fun stuff we do was a real challenge. Hopefully our latest plan will work out.
While I was out to dinner last night, Jim and Corey went to see the movie, 10,000 BC (I think that is the correct title). They enjoyed the movie, especially all the special effects.
Being out late on one school night was not enough for Jim, so he decided to go out to a local coffeehouse with Corey tonight to hear Corey's former Jazz Band teacher play a gig. This "college lifestyle"is going to catch up with Jim real soon!
Have I mentioned that we are going to the Eastern Shore of Maryland for a biking vacation during my April break from school? Well, we are. I contacted our Jenny Lake friends, Robin and Joe, who live in Baltimore to see if we could spend a night with them on our way down there. Robin got back to me and we are on their calendar for dinner and overnight accommodations. It will great to see them again and catch up with their lives and the lives of their 2 daughters.
I am including 2 photos of the wonderful dinner I made on Sunday night. Wegmans publishes a Menu magazine about 4 times a year and this salmon recipe was in the most recent issue. My final presentation looked just like the photo in the magazine and it tasted great!

Corey went to the doctor's yesterday to see why he is feeling less than 100% and is not running as well as he used to. He had some blood work done and we should get the results of that tomorrow. He goes back to SU tomorrow and is hoping to have some idea of what to do to get his mojo back! He has done lots of sleeping and eating while he has been home.
Corey took Jim's car into a repair shop today to get the windshield fixed so the new one should be good for another 126,000 miles.
I started my gymnastics unit at school and I successfully executed my annual forward roll. Every year in the early morning quiet of my gym, I put a mat along the wall where no one will see me and I squat down, curl up my body and attempt to do a forward roll. I am happy to report that it went quite well. Now in a couple of weeks I can make my annual assault on climbing ropes and try to dazzle the kindergartners as I climb up to the rafters! You think it is easy being an almost 53 year old PE teacher! There are pressures you cannot even imagine!
Hope all is well.
Marji, I just have to make my first comment. I vividly remember when you were looking at college majors and could not decide between home ec. and phys. ed. I said that when you were 49 you might be glad that you were home ec. ! Well, you made it to 53!
Love, Mom
A friend of ours, who also spins her own yarn, said to tell you there is a big festival every year in Allegan, Mi. If you ever want to go to it, you have a place to stay as Allegan is only about 40 miles from us.
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