Both yesterday and today had slow starts as I managed to roll out of bed at the crack
of 9! Truly an unusual event for me. Planned the menu for the next few days at camp and made my shopping list. Wegmans and Sam's Club had everything I needed. Now I just need to pack up all the food in the most efficient manner.
Today was a running day for me. We (most of the us and the K's) are racing in a New Year's Eve race in Saratoga and my training has been sketchy. It didn't help that I was sick

for a couple of weeks. I am confident that I can run the 5K, but it won't be fast and all my family will be long done by the time I cross the finish line, and I fully expect to hear them cheering for me!
Today the mailman delivered a package for Jim from Denmark which looked like every longshoreman had drop kicked it from one guy to the next. Fortunately, the contents were not damaged. One of Jim's bosses lives in Denmark and sent Jim a gift set of cookies, candies, and a beautiful teak cutting board. See the first photo.
We had dinner at Gram and GrandDad's tonight and got to see their Christmas decorations and enjoy a delicious chicken dinner.

From there we went to Grandma and
Grandpa's to see Jim's Uncle Bob and his friend, Patty. It was nice to see them, even
though we could only stay for about 15 minutes. Our time is limited because Tucker and Corey are both allergic to the cats in their house and start sneezing after about 15 minutes.
We had to be home by 8 PM tonight because Corey was having some friends over for a jam session. Matt, Pat and Mike are here now with

Corey and they are working their way through a Beetles repertoire. We have 3 guitars and an electric keyboard all going strong. They are having fun and sound good.
Have you ever tried to see how far you could drive on a tank of gas, when the indicator is on "E" , the light is on, and the estimated mileage left on the tank is on "0"? We did tonight and it was very exciting as we decided how far we could push the car if needed. We were all a bit disappointed when Jim filled the approximately 20 gallon tank with 18.5 gallons, which mean that we probably could have gone another 20-25 miles!
I don't know if I will be able to blog while at camp because we have slow internet, but I'll try. If not, Happy New Year!
Hope all is well.
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