I hope you all had a Christmas Day that was all you hoped. I know that we did here. On Christmas Eve, Grandma and Grandpa came over and brought a chili dinner. It was delicious!
We four went to the late service at church, which seems to get later each year! Corey and I rang in a bell ensemble and Corey was a lay liturgist (and the best dressed at church!). Gram and GrandDad and the Kuehls joined us at church. We were home by 12:30 AM and went right to bed!

Tuesday morning the Oster grandparents came over with gifts and a breakfast casserole.
We all had fun opening gifts that were fun, thoughtful, useful, but most of all, most appreciated. We have many blessings and
Christmas is a wonderful time to pause and be
grateful for all that we have. Some of us got some exercise in the early afternoon but we were all back home and showered in order to get ready for our dinner guests, who arrived in the late afternoon.

Our challenge this Christmas dinner was to have all the food come from within 50 miles of our house and we met that challenge. Bob, Sally and Liz started the evening off with
local appetizers of Zwiegles white hot dogs (sliced and grilled) and saurkraut, apples and cheese. Perfect! The main course of dinner was a crown roast of pork from a butcher just east of here. To the pork we added mashed potatoes, squash, carrots, applesauce, and a green salad. For dessert we had apple pie and grape

myself!) and I thank everyone who brought something.
Some of us took a walk after dinner and Corey and Tucker ended the evening for us with a guitar concert.
All in all, a great couple of days. Thanks to all.
Now to say I was tired last night was an understatement. I slept the sleep of the dead until Jim's alarm went off this morning(he had to go to work today), then I rolled over and slept until Jim called me on the phone at 9:00 AM!! I cannot remember when I last slept that late! I might still be sleeping if he hadn't called!

Tonight we are going to the Brookhouse for dinner using a gift certificate that my student teacher gave me as a thank you gift. The certificate value was more than Jim and I could use at one meal so I figured we'd use it when the boys were home.
Now we have to start thinking about going to camp for New Year's. I think we are going to go up on Friday and come home on New Year's Day.
Time to go give the boys some jobs to do.

Hope all is well.
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