The great weather started on Friday so I rode my bike to school which is always a treat.
Saturday dawned bright and beautiful. Jim was supposed to go sailing with Jim A. and GrandDad, but big waves kept them off the lake and they cruised up and down the river for a bit. Gram and I went to the Farmer's Market and then to pick apples. It didn't take long to fill our baskets because the local apple crop is abundant.

In the afternoon I joined Sue A. her sister, her brother and his wife on a bike ride. We rode the canal trail to Genesee Valley Park where we saw some crew boats participating in the River Romance regatta. From the Park we rode north to the city. They stayed for the Columbus Day parade and I turned around and came home because I had a grape pie to make. It was a wonderful ride!

Last night we went to the movies to see The Social Network, an excellent movie! Bob and Sally joined us for the movie and then we 4 went to Davinici's for a tasty dinner. We all came back here and were joined by Jim and Sue for grape pie. It was a fun evening.
Today Jim raced in Buffalo and had a good race. I took an 18 mile bike ride in the morning and enjoyed the crisp fall morning. This afternoon I planted some mums and cleaned up some of the leaves.
Since tomorrow is Columbus Day, I have a day off, and because the weather is still supposed be nice, I have a bike ride planned with friends.
Corey called tonight and he has had a good weekend. Tonight is his "family dinner" with 3 of his running buddies and he seems to really enjoy the company and the food that they make.
So that was our weekend.
Hope all is well with you.
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