Tonight I had the pleasure of participating in an international effort to provide dresses for girls in impoverished countries who would be vulnerable to kidnapping or unmentionable acts. A local non-profit organization, Angels of Mercy, has adopted the cause of Dress a Girl Around the World. In some countries around the world, when bad people see girls who are wearing raggy, unkept clothes, they think these girls have no one who cares about them and will try to take advantage of these girls. Very sad. Providing these girls with a simple dress can make a big difference in their lives. My friend, Sue, saw an article in the newspaper about the women who were sewing these dresses and asked us women of Women's Weekend if we were interested in helping at the next sewing session, which was tonight. Sue, Sally and I joined up with about 30-40 other women at a local church and we sewed 5 complete dresses and got a good start on a bunch of other dresses. Hundreds of dresses were completed in the 6 hours of this work session.Here are some photos from our evening.

Sue and some of the other workers.

Sally cutting out a dress.

More of the action.

Sue and I at the sewing table.

One of the completed dresses.

Our first completed dress!!

A beautiful, original, handmade doll is put in the pocket of each dress.
If you are curious about the Dress a Girl Around the World, please click
here. It was a very gratifying evening and I hope to be able to go back next month and do some more sewing for this good cause. The dresses are really cute and it is heart wrenching and heartwarming to know that a simple dress could save a girl's life.
Hope all is well.
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