I'll do this re-cap as a photo journal with captions. Here goes. Let me start with our Fourth of July trip to Jenny Lake. Gram and GrandDad were there (of course!) along with brother Jim, MaryAnne, and Zach. Corey joined us to, to fill the table on the porch!

Morning at Jenny Lake

Jim caught fish every night we went out!

Niece HannahLyn came to town for the weekend. Here she is helping Corey and Grandma to make dinner. I was the brains behind the meal, they did all the work!

Abbotts, a Rochester classic!

Sunset at the beach.

Launching the boat.

Taking Grandma for a ride.

Dinner at the Villages.

Finished knitting my stole! This is a pre-blocked photo.

Soaking the stole.

Help blocking (stretching/shaping) the stole. Will be ready to model tomorrow!
Today I set a new personal best mark for bicycling. Jim and I went for a ride and we averaged 16.6 mph!!! That is fast, for me! We went 24.4 miles and were cruising. I am looking forward to RAGBRAI!
HannahLyn leaves tomorrow after a wonderful 4 day visit. We were thrilled to get to spend some time with her.
Hope all is well.
1 comment:
Looks like an awesome summer!
Also love the scarf!
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