I am thankful for all my family and friends, for a job that I love most of the time and for my health and the health of those close to me. I am also thankful for some little things like having the leaves raked up and yarn!
Corey arrived home on Tuesday afternoon and thanks go to GrandDad for picking him up at the Victor exit on the Thruway. I quickly recruited Corey to cook dinner for us on Wednesday and he made Tilapia Tacos! Yummy!!

After dinner we took Corey to see Grandma and Grandpa's new digs. He got to try out the scooter!

Jim got up early this morning to run in the Race with Grace and he wasn't real happy with his time, but he won his age-group and the cash prize for that covered his entry fee. While he was running I made a grape pie for Thanksgiving dinner. Later, Corey and I raked up the last of the leaves. Jim and Corey cleaned out the gutters after lunch, but the rain came in before they could put out the Christmas pageant of lights!

We went to Gram and GrandDad's house for our Thanksgiving dinner and the smell of the cooking turkey that greeted us when we opened the door was sooo welcoming! As always, Gram made a great meal, with a perfect turkey at the centerpiece.

Tomorrow I will try to buy myself a new pair of sneakers. The brand/style that I like are on sale for a great price if I buy them before 1 PM so I will have to see how the crowds are. I hate standing in long lines and am generally a very poor shopper.
Happy Thanksgiving and hope all is well.
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