Happy 50th Birthday to my baby brother Jim!!! After talking to him this evening, it sounds like he has had a nice day. This afternoon Zach had his first varsity soccer game and his team won 2-1 with a comeback in the second half. Zach, as a sophomore, got a lot of playing time today. Congratulations Zach!
Today I did something for the first time in my life~I had highlights put in my hair! My hair just doesn't get blond anymore in the summer so after discussing the possiblility of coloring my hair with some girlfriends and my hairdresser, I decided to lighten up my hair color with highlights. I am quite pleased with the result. Jim noticed the change as soon as he saw me and he likes it too! Here is a photo of my new hair, but it would probably be more meaningful if I had a "before" photo for comparison!

This morning I took my car to the dealership because the handle to open the glove box broke off as Jim was trying to open the box. The service guy told me I had to bring in the car so they could see exactly what broke off and what the repair would involve. So I was there at 8 AM and I don't think the service guy ever saw this problem before. I told him I had an extended warranty and that I hoped this was covered under it. Well, of course, it wasn't. I told the service guy that I was not happy that VW would not stand behind what was obviously a defective product because I do not abuse my car and it was quite obvious that undue force was not used on the opener of the glove box. If I wanted to pay for the repair it would cost about $200 because the whole glove box needed to be replaced. He told me that he would try to e-mail VW and see what they would say. I thanked him for his efforts but was not optimistic. So I waited while they ran my car through the car wash, and then the service guy returned to say that he talked to the service manager and told him how faithful I was in getting the recommended service done on my car and that I took really good care of that Beetle and the manager told him to order a whole new box and that the dealership would cover all the costs! Yippee! So I will return to the dealership in a week or so to have the repair done.
Once again today I used my new cruiser bike to make the trip to the post office and Wegmans. On my way home Sally tooted to me on her way to pick up Liz from her haircut. I made a detour and met them in the salon parking lot. Liz took a photo of me and my bike on her new iPhone and sent it to my computer right there in the parking lot!
Those of you with good eyes may notice that I have a dozen eggs from in the front of my basket. I was a bit concerned about riding on the bumpy sidewalks with 12 eggs but look how nicely they travelled!
Not one was broken or even cracked!

Tonight Jim and I were going to go to a Rochester Redwings baseball game using our free ticket coupons. When I took the tickets off the refrigerator as we were leaving, I noticed that there was some fine print stating that these coupons could only be used on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday games! Oh no! It is Friday. We decided to just go out to dinner and skip the ball game.
Happy Labor Day Weekend.
Hope all is well.
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