So, here is my frustration with buying gas today. Last fall, complaints were filed (not by me officially) that the gas at our BJ's was always 10 cents higher than the BJ's less than 10 miles away. There was an investigation and as a result, the 2 prices have been more in line in the past 8-10 months. So this morning when I was driving Jim to the airport (more on that later) I noticed that BJ's gas was still $2.65/gal. I commented that I had read that oil prices were coming down but that has not been reflected at the pump. Later in the day when I went out to do a bunch of errands, I stopped at our BJ's and filled up. As I was heading for the Land's End Inlet, imagine my surprise when I see the other BJ's gas price is $2.53/gal!!!! And I drive a couple hundred yards farther down the road and there is Kwik-Fil for $2.51/gal!! Since when did Greece become this affluent community that can support such price gouging?! When I came home past our BJ's their price had dropped to $2.62! It is a good thing my little Beetle doesn't hold a lot of gas, so we're not talking about huge dollar variances, but it is the principal of the thing. I hate to feel like I've been taken. Thank you for listening to my rant~Jim is not here to be at the receiving end of all this.
So where the heck is Jim you ask? He is in Appleton, Wisconsin for the National Master's Track and Field Championships. He will run the 3000 meter Steeplechase, the 1500 meter run and the 800 meter run over the next few days and then fly home on Sunday night so he is here to take me to the airport on Monday morning.
I decided to wash the mattress pad and the shower curtain liner today and I hung them out to dry. They got the rain water rinse and were all dried by the time I got home. When I went to get them off the line, I discovered that a bird with a bad intestinal problem left his calling card on my mattress pad! So, back into the washing machine and on the line before I went to the hospital for my volunteer hours. Fortunately all is clean and dry at this time.
Tomorrow I am going on a bike ride with my friend Wendy and we are taking the canal trail to Alladdins restaurant on the canal in Pittsford for lunch. It will be about a 22 mile ride.

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