Corey needed to have his front tooth repaired. He chipped off a corner of his front tooth a few years ago in a sledding accident (involving a video camera and a 17 year old boy brain!) and it was repaired at the time. The fix fell off last week so he took a "long lunch" from work to drive home and have the dentist make him look less like he's from Appalachia (not that there is anything wrong with that). After his appointment, he picked up some subs and met Jim for a quick lunch by the ponds.
We talked to Tucker recently and he was very excited because the new Apple computer that he ordered had arrived! I'm sure he will be impressed with all that his new computer can do that his old one could not.
Grandma and Grandpa put a deposit down on their new apartment in The Villages on the Unity Hospital campus, so I guess it is all official that they will be moving in the next couple of months.
Tomorrow is my last day to teach for this school year. The kids come for half a day on Thursday, but I have no teaching responsibilities then. The teaching staff then has half a day on Friday and then "Schools Out for Summer!" The PE department is moving their office area out of a classroom and into a small conference room, so we will be doing that on Thursday and Friday mornings. Space is at a premium and where all of our stuff is going to go is still unknown.
Biking Buddy Bob has made it to Colorado and is riding like a madman! If you are interested in his progress click here. He and Sally have done a great job keeping the blog up to date.
Hope all is well.
17 year old brain.... ouch.
Are ya'll talkin bout us?
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