Corey lost his wallet and is hoping to go to the Track House tonight and find it. We hope so too.
Tucker has been in touch with his Christmas wish list and a request for the specifics on his flights home.
Tonight my bell choir from church took our show on the road to be the entertainment at a Catholic Women's group Christmas dinner. It was held at one of the local party houses, which meant that we had to schlep all the bell equipment over there. Unfortunately one of our ringers came down with the flu today so our director had to ring bells (in the spot next to me) instead of directing us. The lack of a director was evident in a couple of our more difficult pieces. But we rang some familiar carols and invited the women to sing along, which got everyone in the holiday spirit. Here is a photo of me and most of the the bell choir.

Tomorrow night we are going to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a birthday dinner for Grandpa. He will be 92 on Thursday! Happy Birthday, Grandpa!
Jim leaves for Spokane on Thursday and is feeling better everyday.
Hope all is well.
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