Hello to our family and friends! Once again we will do a "green" Christmas letter and save a tree.
This will be the highly condensed overview of our year. If you want more details, you can navigate your way around this family blog and probably learn more than you really want to know!
We brought in 2008 in our usual way, with Bob, Sally, and Liz at Jenny Lake. We ran in a race on New Year's Eve and then returned to camp for some snow tubing as 2007 became 2008.

Tucker then returned to Utah and Corey to Syracuse and Jim and I were once again Empty Nesters.
Instead of our usual trip to Ottawa in February, we four all met up in San Diego where Corey and Jim were running in a race. Sunny, southern California in February is not too hard to take. Corey had to go back to SU after his race, but not before he and some of his teammates came to our rented beach house for a chilly ocean swim and some beach volleyball. Jim, Tucker and I stayed for a few more days and did lots of touristy things.

In April, during the spring break from school, Jim and I went to the eastern shore of Maryland for a week of biking. We got to visit some friends and do lots of flat bike riding. We put 200 miles on our bikes, stayed in a couple of nice B&B's, and enjoyed the scenery along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

Corey's freshman year at Syracuse wrapped in early May and he quickly departed to take a course to become a certified kayak instructor. He spent the rest of the summer running and teaching the young and old to kayak. It was a great summer job!
I spent a lot of time on my bike during the summer. I rode in RABBRAI, the bike ride across Iowa with Bob and Sally. This was our 10th time on the ride and it was another wonderful event. We did about 500 miles in 7 days and by the time we dipped our front tires in the mighty Mississippi River we were feeling fit and proud of our accomplishment.

I continued training because in mid-August I set off by myself for a 5 day ride along the Hudson River, from Albany to New York City. I joined up with a tour of about 150 people and made lots of new friends. Some highlights of that ride were a sunset boat tour on the river, riding across 5 different bridges on our way to NYC and touring West Point.
Shortly after getting home from NYC, Jim and I boarded the Amtrac train and returned to NYC, where we boarded a Carnival Cruise ship for a 5 day cruise to Canada.

We had stops in Halifax, Nova Scotia and St. John, New Brunswick. We came away from both places wanting to return someday in our car so we could explore that area more thoroughly. Taking the train to and from NYC was a delightful way to travel and at at time when gas was $4-plus a gallon, it was the most economical.
Shortly after my school year started in September, Jim flew out west to go backpacking with Tucker for 5 days. They hiked the beautiful Paria Canyon.

In October Jim's nephew, Michal, got married in Memphis to a lovely young lady named, Elizabeth. We had a mini family reunion in Memphis and enjoyed all the festivities that go with a wedding.
Tucker continues to do his archaeology work in southeastern Utah and enjoys his work. If you ever find yourself in that part of the country, get in touch with him. You could not find a better guide!

Corey is in his second year at Syracuse University and loves his life at SU. He continues to run for the school in all three sports' seasons. As SU fans we are so happy that the football season has mercifully come to an end, and now have reason to be excited about the basketball season.

Jim and I continue in our jobs and have stopped dreaming about retirement and wonder if we will ever be able to retire with the economy in its current state. We take a weekly yoga class together as we try to hold onto whatever flexibility we may have! Jim travels for both work and pleasure, as his running takes him all around the country.

I have enjoyed traveling to several Sheep and Wool festivals, especially since I learned to spin yarn this year. I bought a spinning wheel and have enjoyed the physical and intellectual challenge that spinning has provided.

Both boys will be home for the holidays. I can hardly wait to turn over the dinner duties to those two~they are both such good cooks!

If you find yourself in western New York, we'd love to have you visit. Do you have something to share about your life? Leave us a comment or give us a call.
In these uncertain times, when the news is full of stories of hardship and unrest, our wish for you is peace. Peace in your life, peace in your house and peace in our world.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2009.
Hope all is well.
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