It is my least favorite one of the 4 I made, but I am very glad that I took the class. In addition to having 3 new baskets (remember, Corey has one), I had a lot of laughs with my friends.
Friday morning when I came down to the kitchen this is the view I had out my window! What do they say about pink in the morning!

Last night we went to a 50th birthday party for Tony V. , a running buddy of Jim's. And because he is a runner he was thrilled to be turning 50, which puts him at the young end of a new age group! We had a nice evening, even though we didn't know many people at the party.
Today was my spinning guild meeting and it was also the weekend of the semi-annual spinning retreat at Camp Stella Maris, hosted by my spinning guild. I chose not to spend last night or tonight down there, but drove down this morning for some serious spinning time and for the guild meeting. I look forward to these meetings because even though spinning is an individual sport, I learn so much from the more experienced spinners and get lots of encouragement for what I am doing. The retreat/meeting was held in the Wegman House at Camp Stella Maris, which is on Conesus Lake. This is the view from the wrap-around porch:

And this is the main room in the Wegman House where the spinners and knitters congregated. That is my bright blue raincoat near the center of the photo.

My spinning teacher was very impressed with the orange and blue yarns that I spun and then had me participate in the Show and Tell portion of the meeting. I stayed until 2:15~ 4 hours of spinning is about all that my shoulders can take. I drove home in the rain with a stop in Henrietta to buy gas for $2.25/gal.
Corey and Tucker-do you have a Christmas Wish List? Santa wants to know!
Tucker sent us a series of photos that I will pass along to you. The first photo shows him playing guitar on the edge of the bluffs overlooking the Dolores River.

The next photo is of Tucker and 2 of his friends making music in front of their house while they were working in La Sal, Utah.

Remember, usually you can click on any of these photos to enlarge them.
Here is a bit of exciting news: 2009 has been declared the International Year of Natural Fibres by the United Nations! Watch for further details. Leave me a comment on how you plan to support this yearlong event!
Tomorrow Jim is off for another XC race, this time at Finger Lakes Community College. I plan to sew on my new polar fleece bathrobe. We are going out to dinner with Bob and Sally.
1 comment:
I'll think about the X-mas list. And I saw $1.93 gas in New York this weekend!
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