Today Jim ran in a XC race at Mendon Ponds Park.
There were almost 300 runners for this 100th race in the Upstate XC series. It was cool and a little misty for the race-perfect conditions! Jim didn't run as well as he had hoped, but he will have other chances to improve his times. I got there early enough to get a nice walk in on the course and then left shortly after the race. I wanted to do my grocery shopping for the week and decided to go to the Pittsford Wegmans since I was on that side of town. It is fun to go to that store and see all the things that they sell there that are not available here in Greece.

While I was in Pittsford I also went to Chico's looking for something new to wear to Michal's wedding. I found a pretty jacket in a dark teal color that will go nicely with my fancy, black slacks. I will put a white, lacy camisole under the new jacket and be all set. An added incentive to buying this jacket is that it was on the 30% off rack-and that is always good-especially at Chico's.
I am making good progress on the sweater that I am knitting. I finished the back and am working my way around to one of the front sections. This sweater is knit around the body, seamed at the shoulders and then the sleeves are knit down from the arm holes. I am quite pleased with the fabric I have knit so far.
Big day in sports! The Buffalo Bills won again and are now 3-0! They won the game in the last few minutes with near perfect football. Then the USA won the Ryder Cup in golf with some wonderful shot-making.
Jim and I sat in his new car for about 15 minutes, setting up the OnStar account and learning how to use it. It is not too difficult-push the button! The car came with a one-year membership to OnStar.
Tucker sent us a couple of photos from his weekend fun. He attended the Sand Island Bluegrass Festival and was invited to play with one of the bands. In the following photo, he is on the far right, in the plaid shirt. It makes me happy to know that music is still an important part of his life.
Corey reports that he signed a lease for an apartment for next year. He is quite pleased with the place that he and Mike selected. He also had a good long run with the team this morning.
I talked to GrandDad today because it is his birthday! Happy Birthday, Dad!!
If we can believe the weather forecasters, we are in for a spectacular week of fall weather. I may ride my bike to school tomorrow. I rode on Friday and enjoyed getting a bit of exercise before and after school.
Hope all is well.
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