I wrote yesterday's entry before we went to breakfast and I have to tell you about it-before we go to breakfast today (Sunday). Jim and I had our own private sun porch (but there was no sun, only rain) and we sat at a small round table set with beautiful china and silverware, fresh flowers, a candle and linen napkins. We had a choice of juices (fresh-squeezed OJ or a locally made apple and lemon mix-we chose that and it was delicious), followed by this fruit platter!
Now because we were the first people at breakfast it had not been picked over and it was impressive. There were over a dozen different kinds of fruit on it. We were then served a berry muffin while our main course was being prepared. For the main course we had a choice of a veggie omelet or greek omelet, which was built more like a pizza with the egg being the crust and the toppings piled on top, or buckwheat pancakes, french toast, or scrambled eggs. I had the veggie omelet and Jim went with the Greek one. They were perfectly made and very tasty.
Monks Bread toast accompanied the omelets. I could only eat about half of all my food, Jim did a little better, but we skipped lunch because of the hearty breakfast we ate. I can hardly wait to go to breakfast this morning.

So after breakfast we toured Sonnenberg Gardens in the dampness. We carried umbrellas, but never needed them. The mansion and gardens were lovely and it is fun to think about places like that in their hayday! 

In Thursday's Rochester newspaper there was an ad for a Garlic Festival that was taking place at one of the winerys on Seneca Lake so we decided to drive over there and check it out. By now the sun had come out and we enjoyed our drive across Lake to Lake Road. Our destination was the Fox Run Winery and when we arrived, we realized that this was the place to be on this particular day! There were 30 plus vendors, many, but not all, selling garlic-related items.
There was food and entertainment on the lawns around the winery. After walking through the vendor area (and buying some garlic) we went into the winery and did some wine tasting. We tasted a variety of wines, including 3 different Reislings, one of which we ended up buying. As we were leaving the festival I realized that someone should have been there selling a Garlic Zoom! What a missed opportunity-I may have to become a dealer!

We returned to the inn with the hopes of getting out on our bikes. However, by the time we got here the skies had clouded over and there was thunder all around. So we lounged around the inn waiting for the weather to move on through. After an hour or so of no rain, but distant thunder we decided to risk it and go for a ride. We did 16 quick miles, getting back in time to shower before the concert.
Our concert plan had been to stop at Wegmans and buy some dinner to eat on the lawn at CMAC before the concert. We changed our minds about eating outside as we drove to Wegmans and a big, old storm rolled through! Instead, we ate in Wegmans, which has a very nice eating area set-up just beyond their prepared foods section.
The concert was wonderful and it ended with a rousing rendition of the 1812 Overture including cannons and fireworks! I took my knitting and got quite a bit done on the baby blanket. The woman right in front of us was knitting too so at intermission we compared projects!
We made a quick and easy escape from the concert parking lot and were back at our inn in less than 10 minutes after the last firework exploded!
Another good day in Canandaigua.
Hope all is well.
1 comment:
I have a new B&B for you guys the next time you come out here! Supposedly it is very nice with farm fresh everything for breakfast if you are here in the latter part of summer.
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