I made a quick trip back to SU today to deliver a couch to Corey, along with the garage sale purchases that Jim made for Corey. Because Corey has the biggest bedroom in the apartment (apparently he was assigned this room because he was the one who booked the apartment on-line, his 2 buddies have smaller rooms), he had a long empty wall in his room and wanted the love seat from our living room. We have been talking about getting new furniture for the living room so I was OK with that plan. Then last night Jim was with me in basement while I caught up on the ironing and wondered why we didn't give Corey the couch that was in the basement. There seemed to be several good reasons to do that, one of which is that the basement couch is dark green and the love seat is a lovely floral print. From a manly standpoint, the dark green wins! Corey liked this idea so Jim and I took the seats out of the van and loaded in the basement couch. A week ago Jim went by a garage sale and saw some kitchen appliances that he thought Corey could use. He bought a microwave oven, a George Foreman grill and a toaster oven, all for $8! So I delivered those too!I chose to go today because I was going to East Rochester for a morning of spinning at the yarn store there, and I could just continue on to the Thurway from there. It was a good plan and worked just as planned. I was back in the area by 3 PM, and continued doing errands.
Tomorrow I am going to school in the AM and try to get some things ready for the start of the school year. I will spend the rest of the day packing things up for our train trip and cruise.
I will leave you with a couple of photos from the boys. The first one shows all the food that Jim and Corey bought to stock Corey's kitchen at SU. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you will notice several boxes of Wegman's brand of Honey and Oats cereal. There are actually 20 boxes of that cereal and they now occupy the top shelf in Corey's clothes closet!
This photo is one that Tucker sent us from a recent backpacking trip. It could be used for an ad for flyfishing!

Hope all is well.
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