Greg Norman has been in Rochester at least 2 other times and I was there for both of them. The first time was for the US Open, I believe, when Corey was just a baby. I put him in one of those front carriers and walked around for a few hours. For some strange reason, whenever I stood behind a large group of people, some of them would see I had baby Corey with me and the sea of people would part, allowing me an unobstructed view from right behind the ropes! At a later date, Greg was here playing in a fundraiser tournament with Jeff Sluman. I took Tucker and we were watching Greg putt on the practice green. Greg looked over to Tucker, who was sitting right on the edge of the green, pointed to him, and putted his ball over to Tucker. Later, we were able to get Greg to sign the ball. So, you can see that I have been a fan for a while.
I was glad to end this week at school. I don't know if the kids have spring fever or what, but they were a challenge this week. So many kids who normally play games fairly and with positive enthusiasm were cheating and being poor sports this week. My "tough love" policy came into play many times in the past 5 days.
Corey is in Massachuettes this weekend, with his buddy, Mike G. The two of them plan to do some running and kayaking for 3 days and will then drive home, with a layover at Jenny Lake for a day. I already miss having my butler around!!
Jim and I went to the Garden Factory tonight and bought some flowers for the yard. I've included a photo of the plants we got, along with the hanging basket we bought to hang by the side door. I'll get the plants in the pots and ground on Sunday. We also had to get another sprinkler so we could water large sections of our newly seeded lawn.

Here is a photo of my bleeding heart plant that miraculously re-bloomed this year. I do not have a green thumb, but would like to have one so I am thrilled when my meager efforts at gardening encourage me to keep trying. I planted several perennials in my patio peach tree garden last summer and much to my delight, they are re-appearing! I may have to invest in some more perennials. Anyone have any suggestions for part sun/shade loving plants? Leave me a comment. Our new patio set is a bit visable in the background of this photo . We hope to get some use out of that this weekend!

And last, but not least, Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Sally! I hope you are having a wonderful bike ride and are finding ways to mark this special day. We'll do cake when you get home!
Hope all is well.
1 comment:
Hi, Marji,
As for shade / sun loving plants, you can't beat hostas for show and ease of maintenance, (provided you don't have any deer, of course, because they are like tender asparaguses to them!). Ask some friends (in the spring--it is probably too late this year, with the heat and all) to divide their hostas and give you their extras. Theirs need some thinning from time to time, and you will benefit. This procedure works well with a number of other perennials, too, and in fact two friends shared their overflow with me of about a dozen different perennial plants with bulb-like reproduction, and I filled the front area of my apartment. Easy care annuals that go well with shade plants are impatiens. Hope that helps.
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