Our good news is that Corey has recovered enough to return to SU today. Jim had a business trip to Vermont today, and he was leaving at 2 PM, so he took Corey back to SU on his way across the Thruway. Corey slept the clock around last night and seems to have his temperature under control, so hopefully he can manage living in a dorm and attending classes. His coach generously offered to have Corey stay at his house if Corey found that dorm life was too strenuous at this point.
We would like to thank all of you who sent e-mails or called to check up on Corey. Sunday morning was a scary time, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
Jeanne called to report that when Britni was in college, she had the same symptoms that Corey has had for the past six weeks-sore throat, fatigue and multiple mono tests and strep tests that come back negative! She eventually got over it all, with no medical intervention, so there is hope for Corey. This must be some kind of genetic defect in that side of the family!!
The photo at the top of this entry is of the tulips I bought last week at Sam's. This is the second bunch of tulips I have purchased there and I have been very pleased. They have stayed beautiful for over a week. I loved having a sign of Spring right in my dining room.
I stopped over at Grandma's and Grandpa's tonight on my way to Bells and Grandpa proudly told me that he added up the weight he lifts every time he goes to the YMCA and the number is almost 14 tons! Yes, almost 28,000 pounds, four times a week! Very Impressive.
I am excited about our upcoming Maryland Eastern Shore biking trip for many reasons and last night I got another reason to be excited. I got a phone call from my college roommate, Deb, who lives just north of Lewisburg, PA and she is going to meet us there tomorrow evening. We have a hotel room in Lewisburg on Friday night and will call her when we get there. I am looking forward to spending some time catching up with her. Hopefully, Jim will not be bored to tears.
The town put a new sidewalk section in front of our house, where they did the storm sewer work. It looks a bit odd, this brand new sidewalk in the midst of the rocks and mud where the yard was dug up.
Guess that is all for now. I better go pack up some things for our trip.
Any errors in this entry are due to the fact that my editor is out of town!
Hope all is well.
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