Sunday, April 27, 2008

Camp Weekend

It is always good to go to Jenny Lake and "open" camp for the season. Mom and Dad drove up to camp on Friday morning and took a detour on Route 81 South to pick up Corey at SU. We drove up after work and arrived about 8:30 PM. 

On Saturday morning, after a sausage and eggs breakfast, we headed out to do the outside work before the forecasted rain arrived. Jim and Corey worked with Dad to get the dock in place. Shortly after that was done, the wind picked up and we thought that the
rain just may fall. But we pressed on. Paths were cleaned up, gutters, hung, boats brought
out of the car port, skylight covers stored and armloads of sticks were picked up. The rain never came. 

Spring is trying very hard to come to the Adirondacks. The fern are pushing their fiddleheads up through the fall debris. The daffodils were greeting us from Mom's garden.
 We noticed that when the daffodils first pushed their leaves
 up through the ground, they pierced the leaves as they grew. It was an interesting

Corey tried out the new chaise lounges that were gifts from Bob and Joanie. Corey reported that they are perfect for serious deck work! 

After lunch, I went for a bike ride, Jim went for a run, and the others made sure they could still nap at camp! All were successful! Jim tried his hand at fishing later in the afternoon and had some luck. Here is  a photo of the 16 1/2 inch large mouth bass he managed to reel in. 

The rain came during the night, and was done by morning. I decided to get a head start towards home by riding
my bike about 30 miles towards Rochester. I left camp at 9:30 and rode 29 miles, where Jim and Corey picked me up about 2 hours later. It was a good morning to ride and there was very little traffic. I did have a couple of near scares with dogs, but none came out of their yard. 

We dropped off Corey at his dorm and then continued on to Rocha-cha! 

Tomorrow we will have Grandma and Grandpa here for dinner to celebrate Grandma's birthday, which was last Friday. 

Hope all is well. 

1 comment:

Tucker said...

Nice fish Dad. Looks like you had a good trip! Will call soon.