Grandma bought herself a cell phone and was having trouble getting it to work. The customer service people she talked to on her land line phone couldn't help her and told her to go to Radio Shack to get some "in person" help. While I was at at the hospital this afternoon I took a look at her cell phone and was able to get it to work and show her how to use it. We will need to call her a couple of times when we know she has the phone on so she can practice using it.
Here's one of those things that makes you think you are having a good day: I was driving to the hospital and picked up Ridge Road at Mt. Read Blvd. I then made all the lights right to the hospital!! There must be at least 10 lights in that stretch-and they were all green, no yellows or pinks!
Today was a Professional Development Day for school staff. All the PE staff in the district got together and played Dodgeball - no just kidding!!! We had several presentations and participated in some workshops. It was a pretty good day as far as Professional Development Days go.
Here is a photo from the Jump Rope for Heart event at our school yesterday. We had about 170 kids stay after school and they raised over $3,700 for the American Heart Association. It is a great event and it gives us one more opportunity to talk about how to have a healthy heart and why that is important. Have you done something good for your heart today?

Below is a photo from the Jump Rope for Heart event of me and one of my favorite students! He is a great kid and the really cool part is that we share a birthday! He gets so excited about it each year and every day in the month of March he gives me a count down until our birthday. Last year I found a card at Hallmark to give to someone who has shares your birthday, so I will have to look for something like that again.

Tomorrow is spinning class and once again, I am very excited about going. Hopefully I won't have any near-tears experiences!
Let's do a Valentine's Day poll. Check the upper left corner of this blog for your chance to vote for what you'd like to receive for a Valentine's Day gift if you were to get something.
Hope all is well.
1 comment:
Hi Robinson's, It's your long-lost neighbors down the street! I just now got around to re-reading all the Christmas cards and I decided to look up your blog...better late than never.
We miss seeing you at school events and we are looking forward to Spring and revisiting neighbors. So sorry that your Dad is in the hospital, I hope he recovers soon. The lethargy is pretty common in older patients...being sick takes so much out of them. Keep making him take small steps.
I loved hearing about all your crafty stuff, since I am not making costumes this year (YEAH!), I have also started doing more crafts too...scrapbooking, crocheting, and sewing. I feel like I have a new lease on life!
Melissa is loving MCC and we feel like empty-nesters because she is never home. The piles of clothes and junk in her room prove otherwise!! Kathryn is battling bronchitis and asthma issues right now but otherwise is doing great. She just got back from Kansas and heads to Utah in 2 weeks on business. She enjoys seeing new places but hates the whole traveling bit r/t airport headaches. Well I should continue doing laundry. I am sorry that the water authority is digging up your yard...UGH! Hope to see you soon. Love, Kelly
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