I was supposed to take Grandpa to the doctor for a check-up today, but the doctor was sick and cancelled all his/her appointments. He will try again next week.
I got my chores done this morning so I could have a spinning afternoon. The photo below is of me winding my freshly spun yarn onto my new, homemade Niddy Noddy! The Niddy Noddy is a quick way to get the yarn off the bobbin and into a skein. I could have purchased a wooden Niddy Noddy for a minumum cost of $20. I went online and found directions for making one out of PVC pipe. So, off I went to the Home Depot store and bought a 10 foot length of 1/2 inch PVC pipe, 2 T-connectors and 4 end caps, for a total cost of $3.16! I took the pipe to GrandDad and he cut the pipe into the lengths I needed and then I assembled the Niddly Noddy!

I have used it twice today and it works great and I like the fact that I made it at minimal cost. I still have over half the PVC pipe left, so if you want a Niddy Noddy, let me know!
I did a fair amount of knitting yesterday while on the planes. I got just over halfway through turning the heel on the second sock of the Rockin' Sock Club socks. I sat next to a knitter on the flight from San Diego to Chicago and we talked knitting for awhile.
Jim and GrandDad are at the Rochester Museum and Science Center for the first presentation of the Distinguished Lecture Series. I think tonight's topic was polar bears. I am working my way through the pile of newspaper and mail that accumulated during our time away.
Today the sun was out, but it was cold. The sun was a fond reminder of how pleasant it was in San Diego. I need to go through all my trip photos and select some to go in my digital picture frame at school. Plus, I enjoy the process of sorting photos because it refreshes all those wonderful memories of our time in San Diego. What a great city-if you've never been there, put it on your "Bucket List".
Time to go rinse and hang up my latest skein of yarn. Today's spinning is the best so far-more uniform thickness and better plying. I'll have to start thinking of what I can make from these early spinning attempts.
Corey is off to NYC to run in the Big East Indoor Track meet. He qualified for this race with his race at Yale a few weeks ago. Good Luck, Corey, and run fast!!
Hope all is well.
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