We did hear from Tucker that he had uneventful flights from Portland, OR to San Diego. He called Jim after he was an hour into his drive back to Bluff. He had a great time in Portland. Now it is back to work for him.
Tonight we are going to the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra concert. I forget the exact program, but there must be Mozart on the agenda, because we love Mozart. Gram and GrandDad also have tickets for tonight's concert, so we will go with them and get there early enough to hear the pre-concert lecture.
Dad took Grandpa and Grandma to the doctor yesterday and the news was that Grandpa needs to continue on the oxygen all the time. This was disappointing to him. I'm not sure when he goes back for another evaluation, but I'm sure it is not soon enough for him.
This Saturday we are going to Syracuse for a basketball game. Bob and Sally will be joining us as we cheer on the Orange. Corey seemed glad that we were all coming over for a game and it will be good to see him.
I'll include another photo from our San Diego trip. I took this one after we rode about 15 miles around Mission Bay on our Cruiser bikes. Jim and Tucker are riding on the trail right in front of our beach house. We were staying in the upstairs of the white house with blue trim, just to the left of the light pole.

Hope all is well.
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