Last night I talked with Corey via iChat, until that quit unexpectedly and he then called me on the phone. Yesterday was his first day of classes for the semester and he seemed pleased with his courses. He was looking to change one geography course for another, but the one he wanted to get into was full. I encouraged him to e-mail the professor and ask about getting special dispensation to get in, especially when he told me that the professor was the same guy who taught a class he was in last semester. This morning he sent me an e-mail saying he was in! On Saturday, he is running at an indoor track meet at Cornell University,

I am including two photos of my finished Baby Surprise Jacket. The jacket is knit as one piece and looks like some kind of manta ray when it is finished. See the first photo.Then it is folded up and looks like a jacket, see the second photo. The buttons are not sewn on yet as I need to wait until I find out whether the baby is a boy or girl. Isn't it a cute jacket, and the design is pure genius! The colors in the

photos are not true as they are brighter than pictured (yellows, greens, oranges).
Jim called me last night from France and followed that with a couple of e-mails. He is doing well and has found a wonderful place to run, right outside the hotel's doors. Between getting up early to get his run in for the day and staying up late for 5 and 6 course dinners, I imagine he will be exhausted when he gets home.
Tonight, after Yoga, I went to Panera Bread for dinner and tried using the wireless internet connection there with my iPod Touch. It was really cool to read my favorite knitting blogs while eating my soup and salad. I even sent Jim an e-mail while I was there! Technology can be great fun when it is working properly!
A little snow fell today, but I think it will melt tomorrow.
Hope all is well.
I love the seater. Do they make a pattern in my size?
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