Tucker called yesterday and told a funny story about how he and his roommate, Ben, awoke to what sounded like dragons outside of their windows. When they went outside to see what was making the noise, they looked up to all these hot air balloons floating over their trailer! What a beautiful sight! This has been quite a weekend in Bluff for Tucker, who usually heads to the big city of Cortez, CO on the weekend. The farmer who owns the land on which Tucker's trailer sits was hosting an impromtu music festival on his farm so Tucker spent Friday evening, listening to and making good music. The musicians planned to keep jammin' last night too, so I'm sure Tucker was one happy picker!
Jim and Steve went to the race in Ithaca and Steve didn't run as well as he had hoped. Oh, well, that happens! One disappointing race, makes all the other races that go well, a little sweeter. Come back next year, Steve!
Corey raced at Cornell yesterday and had an OK race. His time was faster than any indoor time he posted in high school, but he was hoping to go faster. Once again, oh, well. There will be other races. As a matter of fact, Corey called tonight to say that the team is going to Yale in 2 weeks and he will race there again.
Last night I went out to a pub in Irondequoit (OK boys, pick yourself up off the floor!). One of my colleagues invited the Longridge Staff to Murph's Pub to hear a band that had a couple of Greece teachers in it. There were lots of teachers there and the band was good so it was fun time.
Today was an exciting day at church. The Pastor Nominating Committee presented their candidate for our Head of Staff job. The church was fuller than it has been in years and this new guy was unanimously approved. I cannot put his name in here yet, because his congregation will not be told until next Sunday, and we were asked to maintain some confidentially up until that point. The guy preached a meaningful sermon and seemed very genuine and likable. There certainly was a new excitement moving through the church after the service. He will start at Bethany just before Easter.
Good football day. The Patriots won, even if they didn't look that good and are on their way to the Super Bowl. The other game is still in progress and I really don't care who wins that one.
I've been knitting on my Weekend Sweater and am almost done with the first sleeve. The main body is done. It is being knit on size 17 needles (which are huge) so the knitting goes very fast. This is going to be a very warm sweater.
Yesterday I went to the monthly meeting of the Genesee Valley Hand-spinners Guild to see what I could learn about spinning yarn with a spinning wheel. I meet some wonderfully helpful and encouraging people and ended up going to a local yarn store where I got the last spot in a beginning spinning class. The 4 Saturday class starts this next Saturday and I am looking forward to trying to spin yarn with a wheel. This is a great opportunity to learn this new skill without having to invest in a wheel first. Stay tuned for an update on my progress.
Happy Martin Luther King Day. Take a moment to think about what you are doing to promote social justice for all.
Hope all is well.
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