Yesterday Tucker was joking around, wondering why no one had commented on how good he was looking in the photo on Saturday's post. And then this morning, there was a comment from Amy saying just that! Thanks for noticing, Amy. Just before Christmas, there was a TV commercial for the Mens Warehouse showing a young man coming home for Christmas dinner in his brand new suit, and his mother looking so pleased! I related to that commercial when I saw Tucker "dressed to impress!"
Today it was back to school and we had a good day. My classes usually meet in the small gym and the older kids have PE in the larger, new gym. Today, one of my colleagues wanted to do Yoga with her 4th grade classes and thought the small gym would be a better location for Yoga, so we switched venues. My little kids were thrilled to go to the big gym and then were doubly excited when I told them we were going to play a game with the 3rd or 5th graders. The older kids did such a great job with the younger students that my colleagues and I will have to look for more opportunities to have the different grade levels work together.
Our high temperature today hit a record high, 62 degrees! More of the same tomorrow and then a return to winter. I told Jim he needs to be hanging the clothes outside tomorrow!
Corey had an uneventful trip back to SU yesterday. He has since discovered a few things that he left here. I hope we can get to another SU basketball game in a couple of weeks so he will have to wait until then for the delivery of these items.Tucker leaves tomorrow morning, early. He hopes to get back to his car in Colorado Springs in less than 3 days (he is flying!). He has plans to go skiing with some friends in Colorado before heading back to Utah. He cooked dinner for us tonight, quesadillas with stir-fried veggies. It was delicious. Tucker and Corey cooked dinner for us several times while they were home and that was such a treat! I didn't care what they made and was willing to clean up any preparation mess. I am glad that they are both confident and comfortable in the kitchen. I cannot take any credit for that. They both learned to cook and enjoy it when they were river guides.
When I got my haircut last week, my hairdresser gave me a free pass (for 2) to see a special screening of the new movie The Bucket List. The showing is tomorrow night and I think we are going to try to go. The pass indicates that many more passes were distributed than there are seats available, so if you want a seat you need to get there early. We'll go out right after my Yoga class, and if we're too late to get a seat, oh well. But, maybe we will get lucky and find a couple of seats. We saw a preview of this movie and it looked like it could be funny, but Time Magazine panned it.
After going great guns on knitting sweater for me, I have put it aside and am working on a Baby Surprise Jacket for a friend who is having a second child. I will post pictures of this neat jacket when I finish it. Since the whole jacket is done in the knit stitch (no purls) I have been once again trying to learn to knit in the continental style and this time I have it. I will have to find a project that is all purled, and use that as my practice time to learn to purl continental.
I am including 2 more beautiful photos from our trip to Jenny Lake. The first one was taken on Saturday morning, after they guys had shoveled some slush on the lake on Friday, making a potential skating rink. The next photo was taken on Monday morning, after 10 inches of snow fell. 
Hope all is well and let's continue on for another 100 posts!

1 comment:
Congradulations on your 100th blog. Keep them coming as we enjoy knowing what's going on even though we're only a few block away. Hope Tuck has a good trip back to Col.Hope he gets to JL this summer. Love, Dad
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