We had a nice dinner with our friends Tony and Ann last night, staying for about 4 hours. Ann has painted the rooms in their home in bold, bright colors and it was very energizing. I liked it!
I got some packages ready for Jim to take the post office tonight. The self-serve station at the post office is so very handy! Unfortunately, we're not the only ones who love that option because Jim was able to get the postage stamps for the 3 packages, but the drop box for the packages was full, so one of us will have to take the packages over in the morning. I have been there around 7 AM and have seen postal employees there that early, so hopefully we can get these boxes out tomorrow. Tucker and Corey, check your mail in a few days.
I finished one of my gift scarves this afternoon,

when I attached the ruffle to each end of the scarf. See the photo. I am happy with how this turned out, especially since I designed it myself. I have two more scarves to complete, and I don't see a problem with doing that.
Gram and GrandDad did not go to Syracuse today because of the weather. We video-chatted with Corey this afternoon and he said that today was not a day to do a walking tour of campus with your grandparents! They will plan this for another time.
T and C, mark your calendars. I bought some tickets for a holiday show called Plaid Tidings, at GEVA theater for Thursday, Dec. 20th. It is a musical revue that has gotten good reviews. For any of you local readers, if you want to join us, give the GEVA box office a call and see if you can get tickets for Dec. 20th. It is in an adjacent theater to the main theater and it is a general seating performance. Leave me a comment if you get some tickets. There is an article about the show in today's Democrat and Chronicle. You might be able to view it on-line if you don't see the Sunday D&C.
The Buffalo Bills pulled off a win in the final seconds of the game today, which messed up my pool at school, but I was happy for all the local fans.
Jim got the Christmas Pageant out in the front bush this afternoon, and I will try to remember to include a photo later this week.
Time to knit.
Hope all is well.
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