We walked around the campus for a while and gave Bob a small tour. We walked through the new Newhouse III building, which is the newest facility for the Newhouse School of Communication, where Corey will be spending more and more time in the next few years. It is state of the art and very modern. Corey showed Bob his dorm room before we all drove to Green Lakes State Park for a walk. The XC team frequently runs at Green Lakes, and I was there with the boys and the Tabers many years ago. We took a nice 40 minute walk around one of the lakes and then drove back to Syracuse for dinner.

Corey wanted us to go to a Mexican restaurant that he really liked. It was a tiny place, but we were lucky enough to get a small table and then enjoyed a good Mexican dinner. We took Corey back to his dorm and then headed home. All in all, a great day. The weather cooperated and we did a lot in our 7 hours at SU.
Last night Jim and I went to a party at a colleague's house for the Longridge staff. It was nice to socialize with people I never have a chance to talk to during the school day. We left the party, just as the younger teachers were getting ready to play Beer Pong!
This morning on our way to the Thruway, we stopped at a Michael's Craft store in Victor to get the rest of the frames we wanted for our Iceland photos. We can now start putting photos and mats into frames and figuring out the placement of the photos on the walls.
One of the TA's at my school was selling a rowing machine that she bought from a TV infomercial, so I bought it. This morning I used it for the first time and it worked pretty well. I will need to have Jim squirt some WD 40 into a few of the joints (the machine's, not mine) that squeak. This won't take the place of me going to the J&J gym, but it will be nice to use when I don't have the time or inclination to go to the gym. I'll post a picture at another time.
Tomorrow Grandma and I have our the last class in our knitting class and then we can "felt" our purses and see how they turn out. I'll post photos of the purses when we have finished them.
We talked briefly to Tucker this afternoon and he was excited because he had just bought a ski pass to Telluride and some telemarking skis.
The leaves are starting to fall so I guess we will have to start our raking routine in the near future.
Hope all is well.
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