It looks as though we may have part of our yard dug up as part of a town drainage project. Over the years the drainage in our side yard has become a problem during heavy rains. We (meaning the boys) have kayaked several times on the lake that has formed during heavy downpours. The last time this happened I called the town a couple of times because the water's edge was approaching our garage and the ducks were starting to call the pond "home!" The town did some short term maintenance to alleviate the problem and we never really expected to hear from them again. However, on Monday when I got home from school there was a message from a Town of Greece engineer briefly describing what they wanted to do and asking us to call him. Jim returned the call the next day and the guy was quite surprised to hear from Jim. Apparently, nobody ever calls this poor guy back. He told Jim that he would send us some papers that we needed to sign so the work could be done. When I came home from school on Tuesday, the front and side yard had all these yellow and green flags marking gas lines and who knows what else. It looks serious! I imagine I might come home some day to find backhoes, ditch-diggers, dump trucks, etc., all over our property. I'll keep you posted and will take some photos when things get exciting.
Tomorrow our new mattress gets delivered. We have one set of sheets for the new oversized mattress, and will have to keep my eye out for sales for another couple of sets. I once heard it said that you should have 3 sets of sheets for each bed, one to have on the bed, one to be in the wash, and one to have ready to go in an emergency. Maybe that is something I learned from my mother!
In our continuing quest to have a "greener" Christmas this year, I read an article on Yahoo news about the "greenest" Christmas tree you can buy. The choices were between an artificial one, a live, potted tree, and one locally grown and cut down. The winner was the locally grown one for a variety of reasons. So, I guess we will plan a time to go cut down a tree at the place in Webster/Penfield that we have been supporting for the last 15-20 years.
Did you watch Dancing with the Stars last night? Thank goodness that Marie took third. Her freestyle dance on Monday night just emphasized the fact that she was not in contention for the big prize. I really didn't care who won, I liked both of Mel and Helio. I did enjoy the whole 2 hour show because I missed the first 3 episodes and was able to catch up with the couples who left early and see some highlights from the whole season. I will watch for that show to return again, it was great!

The 2 photos shown above are from school today. The first one is of one of my classes with their heads under the parachute, a favorite activity! The second one is of a recent bulletin board that I put up that is getting rave reviews. This showcase has lights on each side and the lights illuminate the cottonballs that outline the snowman giving him a magical look! It is quite striking when it is first viewed from a distance. There are snowflakes stapled to the board and some suspended from the top of the showcase and each flake has something written on it about a way to have a happy and healthy holiday.
I'm still knitting away on the scarves for my custodial staff, but am pleased with how all 3 are coming.
Hope all is well.
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