I've had a couple of pretty normal school days. Today was "Flu shot day" and this year the district picked my school as one of 2 locations to get the shot, so it was very convenient to take advantage of this district perk.
I am including 2 photos from Jim's recent races. The first photo is from his Corporate Challenge race in NYC 2 weekends ago. Notice the sweet young things on his team! At one point in NYC Jim was walking around by himself and he saw a running friend who asked, "Hey Jim, where are your kids?" referring to how old he was compared to the ages of his teammates!
The second photo is from this past weekend at Jenny Lake. Jim captured this beautiful fall scene before he and his friends left for the race in Saratoga. It's enough to

make a school teacher long for the days when she can take a fall vacation! Jim had a good race in Saratoga, taking 4th place in the 50-59 year age group and his team took 2nd place overall. They were pleased with the race.
Last night while I was at a PTA meeting, Jim took his Mom to the local library and taught her how to use the internet so she could read this blog. Welcome Maw!!!! Jim also set her up with an e-mail account so if you want her address let me know and I will share it with you. We need to encourage her to use this technology so she becomes more comfortable with it.
The yak yarn had another day of washing and rinsing with Sally. Tomorrow it gets hung outside to endure whatever Mother Nature has in store. Sun, wind, rain, any of it would be good for the yarn.
I had my last rowing practice tonight before I go to the Head of the Charles in Boston this weekend. I'm nervous and excited about that race.
Hope all is well.
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