Today we opened a checking account at M & T bank for Corey so he can have access to cash. M & T has an ATM on campus, so it should be fairly convenient for him. Whatever happened to the days when you'd get a free toaster when you opened a checking account? Not that we need a toaster, but it was a nice gesture. After the bank, we went to Penny's where Corey found 2 pair of pants that fit and met his criteria and 2 throw rugs (with fringe, fringe was a bonus he liked).
Corey is having some friends over tonight for a campfire. The weather looks like it is going to cooperate, the thunderstorms seem to be tracking south of Rochester.
I am getting close to finishing my knit tank top. I think the temperatures are supposed to drop some in the next few days, but hopefully it will get hot again so I can wear it and not freeze. I will put a photo of me modeling my latest project as soon as I finish it.
A couple of days ago I had the great idea that it might be fun if Jim and I found a nice B & B to go to on Saturday after we drop off Corey. Well, it would have been a great idea if I had thought of it a couple of months ago, now it is just a frustrating idea. I think I have called at least a dozen nice places and every one is booked solid for that night. I'm really not surprised, just disappointed. I told Jim that if we come back to Rochester, we need to go out to dinner and then to breakfast on Sunday morning because if we were at a B&B we'd get a nice breakfast!
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